Feature Documentary
In development
For the first time, the phenomenon of the Gauche Divine and the irruption of modernity in Barcelona in the 60s are approached from the point of view of women. It is a generational portrait through essential characters of our culture such as Ana M. Moix, Colita, Esther Tusquets, Guillemina Motta, Rosa Regàs and Elsa Peretti. From unpublished archives and meetings with some of the living protagonists (and with the daughters and sons of those who are no longer with us), we achieve a mosaic of our cultural heritage and of human relationships as intense as they are unknown until now. El alegre despertar: las mujeres de la Gauche Divine’ begins during the filming of “También esto pasará”, a film adaptation of the novel by Milena Busquets, in Cadaqués.
Genre: Feature film
Format: Documentary
Duration: 90 minutes
Producers: Cahuenga Filmmakers, Corte A Films
Direction: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
Script: María Ripoll and Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
Executive Producer: Jana Llopart Prieto, María Ripoll, Adela Batiste

Feature Documentary
In development
For the first time, the phenomenon of the Gauche Divine and the irruption of modernity in Barcelona in the 60s are approached from the point of view of women. It is a generational portrait through essential characters of our culture such as Ana M. Moix, Colita, Esther Tusquets, Guillemina Motta, Rosa Regàs and Elsa Peretti. From unpublished archives and meetings with some of the living protagonists (and with the daughters and sons of those who are no longer with us), we achieve a mosaic of our cultural heritage and of human relationships as intense as they are unknown until now. El alegre despertar: las mujeres de la Gauche Divine’ begins during the filming of “También esto pasará”, a film adaptation of the novel by Milena Busquets, in Cadaqués.

Genre: Feature film
Format: Documentary
Duration: 90 minutEs
Producers: Cahuenga Filmmakers, Corte A Films
Direction: Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
Script: María Ripoll and Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
Executive Producer: Jana Llopart Prieto, María Ripoll, Adela Batiste