Short film
In development
In the middle of the post-war period and after being betrayed, a young woman decides to turn her back on her life in the village and go to the mountains to join the anti-Francoist resistance of which her brother is a member.
Genre: Historical drama
Format: Short film
Duration: 20 minutes
Producers: Corte A Films, La Persiana Films
Direction: Mey Montero
Script: Ángel Villahermosa, Mey Montero
Executive Producer: Jana Llopart, Jose San Miguel

Short film
In development
In the middle of the post-war period and after being betrayed, a young woman decides to turn her back on her life in the village and go to the mountains to join the anti-Francoist resistance of which her brother is a member.

Genre: Historical drama
Format: Short film
Duration: 20 minutes
Producers: Corte A Films, La Persiana Films
Direction: Mey Montero
Script: Ángel Villahermosa, Mey Montero
Executive Producer: Jana Llopart, Jose San Miguel